أحصل على شهادة جامعية
جامعة برنجهام الدولية
جامعة برنجهام الدولية هدفها تقديم الشهادات الجامعية للذين
يملكون خبرة في مجال معين و تقدم جامعة برنجهام الدولية
جميع الشهادات في جميع التخصصات ما عدا التخصصات الطبية
و تقدم جامعة برنجهام الدولية شهادة البكلريوس و الماجستير و الدكتورة
كيف تحصل على شهادة جامعية من جامعة برنجهام الدولية
أن جامعتنا تقدم الشهادة الجامعية للناس الذين يملكون الخبرة في مجالهم
و من خلال خبرتهم نحن نمنحهم الشهادة
الجامعية بما علمتهم الحياة الاعتراف
جامعة برنجهام الدولية معترف بها من عدة مؤسسات مختصة و هي
AHEA - Adult Higher Education Alliance
CAEL - Council for Adult and Experiential Learning
IACET - Int'l Ass. for Continuing Education & Training
IACEE - Int'l Ass. for Continuing Engineering Education
IASTED - Int'l Ass. of Science & Technology for Development
IAWPE - Int'l Ass. for World Peace Educators
ICDE - International Council of Distance Education
NAHE - The National Academy of Higher Education
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization
AADP - American Association of Drugless Practitioners
ADLP - Association of Distance Learning Programs
AGC - Accreditation Governing Commission
APICS - Accademia per la Promozione Internazionale della Cultura e della Scienza
EQAC - Educational Quality Accrediting Commission
IEMAA- Int. Education Ministry Accreditation Ass
ACM - Association of Cultural Mythologists
AIDA - International Association of Law and Art
ASA - American Sociological Association
BSA - British Sociological Association
IASS - International Association for Semiotic Studies
IPA - International Psychohistorical Association
ISA - International Sociological Association
ISPA - International Society for the Performing Arts
MHRA - Modern Humanities Research Association
PSA - Philosophy of Science Association
RRA - Religious Research Association
AACSB - Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business
AEJMC - Ass. for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication
BMA - Business Marketing Association
FMAI - Financial Management Association International
HCIMA - Hotel & Catering International Management Association
IAA - International Advertising Association
IACMP - Int'l Ass. of Career Management Professionals
ICA - International Communication Association
IHRIM - Int'l Ass. for Human Resource Information Management
ITMA - International Management Association
JEA - Journalism Education Association
SPJ - Society of Professional Journalists
AADP - American Association of Drugless Practitioners
AANP - American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
AAOM - American Association of Oriental Medicine
AHHA - American Holistic Health Association
AIM - Association for Integrative Medicine
ASAT - American Society of Alternative Therapists
HeSCA - Health Sciences Communications Association
HS - Herb Society
IINM - International Institute of Natural Medicine
SCEH - Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
AHP - Association for Humanistic Psychology
APS - American Psychological Society
ASSC - Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
ATP - Association for Transpersonal Psychology
CNS - Cognitive Neuroscience Society
EATA - European Association of Transactional Analysis
EHPS - European Health Psychology Society
IAAP - International Association of Applied Psychology
IACP - International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy
ISHPR - International Society of Health Psychology Research
SABE - Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics
SIOP - Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
SPR - Society for Psychical Research
AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science
AEC - Asociaci?n Espa?ola de Cient?ficos
AECT - Ass. for Educational Communications and Technology
AFOS - Ass. for the Foundations of Science, Language & Cognition
IACEE - International Ass. for Continuing Engineering Education
IACES - International Association of Civil Engineering Students
IASTED - Int'l Ass. of Science and Technology for Development
ICSU - International Council for Science
IEA - International Ergonomics Association
SEFI - Societé Européene pour la Formation des Enginieurs
طلب التقديم للحصول على شهادة جامعية
لمراسلة الجامعة