اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الشاهين
بردوعي: هذا ماتريد ! مااشبه اليوم بالبارحه,مع الاختلاف؟؟

The dear two Padishahs
Inchoative kiss by all of an interpositions by this subject I/you was certain that this stupid happens
Then the society of an area rises in general he is preoccupied with a former narrow mind the navy of the suggestion - and all the intellectual liberties a possessor of a civilized distance and he the forums of an area don't control him he rises across her positions by the net the spiderwort in day of a water , for indigent of the reach on opposition of the suggestion another for her docile she/you rubs off a domination of the contrary Ray for Ray another ... Is
( We became low ) in this forum an experienced administration is at her by this problematic ( narrow mind ) and she the behavior of a politic ( he was deprived of the desire ) by acceptance of the suggestion another away from a power of the opposition for the suggestion another from the partisans ( a closed culture ) governed by law ( the inertias ) ..
Wherefore .. And likewise she/you sees the companions of the culture ( ruling closed ) she/you takes the immense strength of a driving away in possession ..

Let us return to an administration of this forum by leadership of the virtuous taught veteran abu-Sufyan for the answer on the question which makes the answer necessary on me on him for a deliberation become clear by what bend to him ..
He : ( Why? the administration of the forum followed a politic ( he was deprived of the desire ) for the suggestion another
The answer : So that let me interlock in me problematic complicated and a couple her market loses the gainer at the partisans ( the closed culture ) by an accusation ( the remoteness from bitter enemy ) by obsession of the lawful and the woolen blanket ..
I/she/you excelled the disciples of this panting the change tells an acceptance ( the suggestion another ) from interior ( the closed culture )but by the tools from her dissident
Who his spectator arose from the makers of decisions for tired at some of the velvet layer ( the closed culture )