تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : riddles

صالح السناني
19-10-2003, 04:32 AM
thankyou indeed abu hashem for your,s injoyable eferts, we realy need you because i,d like to bractice my language which i lost the most of it, i tryed to find some body can understand what we should send and writedown through the screen in english but no body been notest yet.شاعرالغربه(صالح السناني)

19-10-2003, 08:45 AM
thanks abu hashim

I have Ghabwah in English (غبوه بالانقليزي)

What is the 4 English letters that thief is afraid of ????

حميد بن حمدي
19-10-2003, 11:59 AM
Thank you Abo-Hashim and all


According to the Ghabwah subject which stated by Al-Kobra, I would like to try to sole it. In my opinion, I see that the solution might be the word jail


http://www.mowjeldoha.com/mix-pic/3barat/www.mowjeldoha.com-3barat-52.GIF وتقديري لكم

أبو ياسر
19-10-2003, 04:08 PM
حيرتنا يابوهاشم
يعني إلا تفضحنا فاللغه
ياليت سطرين ترجمه مختصره حتى نفهم الموضوع

مشعل الشريف
19-10-2003, 07:39 PM
dear brother Saleh

I don't know how to thank you for your words

May Allah bless you

Iwill write some other subjects

be there
to practice

.................................................. ....................

dear Cobra
welcome and thank you for your riddle

)Ithink the answer is (jail

.................................................. ........

الغالي أبو ياسر

الموضوع ببساطة عبارة عن ألعاب وأنشطة تعليمية مفيدة لمعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية
وتحول فجأة إلى غبوات ( ورانا ورانا )
وإن شاء الله يكون الحل صحيح يالكوبرا .

19-10-2003, 09:58 PM
helllo every body in here

and special greeting to our Supervisor AbuYaser (تحيه خاصه لمشرفنا ابوياسر على المرور)

sorry guys the answer is not correct , it is not jail

but remmber it is four separate letters not a word with 4 letters

thanks brothers

صالح السناني
21-10-2003, 03:29 AM
oh......no..my lovely guys if you want to talk about this subjects i will write
agrate (beom)about my small crazy camel it is my specialisation and i have the honour to do that شـــــاعرالغربه (صالح فايزالسناني)

الولد الشقي
21-10-2003, 02:01 PM
Dear : Abu-hashim

Dear : Saleh Al-Senani

I was following your participant here

So !! let us practice our English in such subjects

(Waitng for ( The Small Crazy Camel

Iam sure we will like it


21-10-2003, 03:57 PM
hello again

before AlSenani's crazy camel story i want to give you the wright answer for the riddle mentioned above
the four letters are

because if you say to any thief (O I C U) he will be afraid of you and thinking that you saw him :D:D what do
you think about it!!?guys

finaly i want just to ask all of visitors of this subject

how come someone want to practice his language and agnoring the first question??!!! how

and only say i want to practice

at least give any answer!!! you made me upset and mad by agnoring

if you didnt understand that's something else:rolleyes:


صالح السناني
22-10-2003, 05:05 AM
thank,s to all those who were interested by our subjects,and i say sorry that i did not answer the riddle ,idid n,t do that just because i couldn,t get it. i never agnore any one wanted to be abrother to me,and iwant to mension
that (beom)doesn,t mean story. what does it mean then my guys? any way thank,s to all of you

الولد الشقي
22-10-2003, 08:12 AM

I realy do not mean to agnor you by any mean

(But, since I do not knew the answer to your ( GHABWAH

I decided not to write any thing


22-10-2003, 11:58 AM
Thanks Wald Shagi and Saleh for clearing and explaining the situation for me
and i'm glad to chat with gentlemen like you and other brothers in AlMajalis

sorry dear poet you are wrong:eek:
it is poem not beom
or you can use poetry also for the same meaning
